For Individual Account

Monthly Plan

Instant access to all free books
1200 coins for premium reads
Personalized book recommendations
Seamless access across devices
Renew monthly to keep your earned coins


3-Month Plan

Instant access to all free books
3600 Coins for premium reads
Climb the leadership board
Personalized book recommendation
Coins carry forward each month with no wastage

/3 month!

Annual Plan

Instant access to all free books
14400 coins for premium reads
Reach the top of the leadership board
Personalized book recommendations
Seamless access across devices
Coins carry forward each month with no wastage


For Family Account

Monthly Plan

Create profiles for up to 4 children
Instant access to all free books
1600 coins for premium reads
Assign books to help kids climb the leadership board
Control how kids spend coins
Share lifetime purchased books across all children
Renew monthly to keep your earned coins


3-Month Plan

Create profiles for up to 4 children
Instant access to all free books
4800 coins for premium reads
Assign books to help kids climb the leadership board
Control how kids spend coins
Share lifetime purchased books across all children
Coins carry forward each month with no wastage

/3 month!

Annual Plan

Create profiles for up to 4 children
Instant access to all free books
24000 coins for premium reads
Assign books to help kids climb the leadership board
Control how kids spend coins
Share lifetime purchased books across all children
Coins carry forward each month with no wastage

